Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy
Starcast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Richard Harris
Size: 281 Mb
Source: Extended BluRay
Format: Mp4
Plot: Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone is the first film in the Harry Potter series based on the novels by J.K. Rowling. It is the tale of Harry Potter, an ordinary 11-year-old boy serving as a sort of slave for his aunt and uncle who learns that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to attend the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is snatched away from his mundane existence by Hagrid, the grounds keeper for Hogwarts, and quickly thrown into a world completely foreign to both him and the viewer. Famous for an incident that happened at his birth, Harry makes friends easily at his new school. He soon finds, however, that the wizarding world is far more dangerous for him than he would have imagined, and he quickly learns that not all wizards are ones to be trusted.
Sinopsis Indo
Harry Potter adalah seorang anak yang tampaknya biasa, hidup dengan keluarga yang berhubungan darah dengan-nya, keluarga Dursley di Surrey. Pada ulang tahunnya yang kesebelas, Harry mengetahui dari seorang asing misterius, Rubeus Hagrid, bahwa ia sebenarnya seorang penyihir, terkenal di Dunia sihir karena dapat bertahan dari serangan Lord Voldemort yang jahat ketika Harry masih bayi. Voldemort membunuh orangtua Harry, tetapi serangan kepada Harry gagal dilakukan, kejadian tersebut menyisakan bekas luka petir di dahi Harry dan membuat Voldemort tewas. Hagrid mengungkapkan kepada Harry bahwa ia telah diundang untuk bersekolah di Hogwarts, sebuah Sekolah Sihir. Setelah membeli perlengkapan sekolahnya di Diagon Alley, harry berangkat dengan menggunakan kereta ke Hogwarts melalui Platform 9 ¾ yang tersembunyi di Cross Station king.
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